Township of Russell appoints new mayor instead of holding a byelection

Mike Tarnowski will be the new mayor of the Town of Russell, after council in the town east of Ottawa decided not to hold a byelection to fill the vacant position.

Council voted to appoint Coun. Tarnowski as mayor during Monday night’s meeting, replacing Pierre Leroux.

Leroux abruptly resigned as mayor of Russell earlier this month to become the Chief Administrative Officer with The Nation municipality.

Councillors in Russell had two options for filling the vacancy – either appointing a person to the mayor’s position until the end of the term in 2026 or hold a byelection.  During Monday night’s meeting, council voted to appoint Tarnowski as the mayor.

Tarnowski has served as a councillor of Russell since 2018, and is also employed at Algonquin College.


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