Almost snowless winter sparks early forest fire fears

“We were already looking at a very, very dry spring and there isn’t a lot of precipitation in the forecast.”

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A nearly snow-free winter and a drought-like kickoff to spring has firefighters warning of an early start to the fire season.

Ottawa Fire Services, which issued an open-air burn ban on the weekend, has responded to eight grass fires in the past 10 days, including one Monday afternoon near Hazeldean Road in Stittsville.

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“It’s absolutely a concern. We were already looking at a very, very dry spring and there isn’t a lot of precipitation in the forecast,” Fire Chief Paul Hutt said.

Eighty per cent of the city’s area is rural land and the fire service has six rugged brush trucks that can respond to fires in off-road areas, he said. The fire service’s wild lands fire program has been up and running now for several weeks.

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“We’re well-prepared in this city to navigate those types of calls,” Hutt said.

While forest fires can and have occurred in the city limits, the hardwood forests of Eastern Ontario are not as vulnerable to forest fires as the evergreen forests to the north and in Western Canada, said Eric Boysen, a forester based in Maberly, west of Ottawa.

“The risk is very intense for a very short period of time, but it rapidly dissipates once the grass starts to green up,” Boysen said.

“It is very dry. The leaf layer in a hardwood forest dries out and you can get a very rapidly burning fire go through, but rarely does it kill trees. I’d be much more concerned about the conifer forests,” said Boysen, who also serves as a volunteer firefighter.

“The conifer trees are more flammable to begin with. You get a lot of pitch and resin in their needles. And with the recent windstorms and ice storm breakage, you get broken branches hanging in the trees and broken tops, and those things are more flammable. There’s a risk of the fire getting up into the tree canopy.”

Boysen says it’s important to follow municipal fire bans and, if you’re allowed to burn, to be prepared.

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“Have the tools on hand so that you’re able to put the fire out if it gets away from you. It’s really just being smart about it.”

Fire Smart Canada has good advice for homeowners on its website,, he said.

Last year was the most destructive wildfire season ever recorded in Canada, with more than 6,100 fires that covered 16.5 million hectares, more than double the previous record set in 1989. Of those, 29 were classed as “mega-fires” that consumed more than 100,000 hectares each, according to National Resources Canada.

A sickly blanket of reddish smoke covered the capital region and much of eastern North America for days at a time, with the smoke from Canadian wildfires reaching as far as Europe.

The city closed outdoor pools and camps because of the smoke, while the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival and the Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival both ended early because of the poor air quality.

In July 2012, Ottawa dealt with its own forest fire when fire crews spent nearly a week battling a stubborn brush fire in Lime Kiln and Stony Swamp that eventually consumed 40 hectares of the greenbelt, the equivalent of 90 football fields.

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In Alberta, the provincial government declared a start to its fire season 10 days earlier than the usual March 1 to Oct. 31 season and has allocated $2 billion of its budget for natural disasters such as wildfires and drought.

Whether the summer of 2024 will be as bad as 2023 in Ontario is difficult to say. Like Alberta, Ontario is also prepared for more early season fires because of the dry winter, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry said in an emailed response to questions.

“Fire activity can change quickly within a given week, month, or across the season and can also vary significantly from previous years activity…. While in the short term we are planning for early spring fires, each fire season is highly variable and is based on actual weather trends that develop throughout the fire season,” the ministry said.

Three factors contribute to fire risks, it said. Hot, dry weather; fuel such as dry scrub and brush; and human activity, such as campfires and cigarettes.

“So far, indications for the summer suggest a return to normal seasonal conditions for both temperature and precipitation amounts,” the ministry said.

Ontario deployed additional fire rangers on March 4 to beef up its fire response, the ministry said.

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