Lich, Barber convoy trial closing arguments expected today (LIVE BLOG)

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The trial of accused convoy leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber reconvenes this week with closing arguments expected from both Crown prosecutors and the defence teams.

The high-profile mischief trial commenced Sept. 5 and extended far beyond the initial estimates as the proceedings were beset with lengthy delays and court challenges.

The prosecution, led by Crown attorneys Tim Radcliffe and Siobhain Wetscher, closed its case against the two convoy leaders in November after calling evidence from 16 Crown witnesses across 27 trial days.

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The trial was initially set for 16 days.

Still at issue is a motion filed by the Crown, called a Carter application, alleging Lich and Barber acted together in a “conspiracy or common design” to gridlock downtown streets during the three-week convoy demonstration, and that evidence against one accused organizer should apply to both.

Lich is represented by Lawrence Greenspon and Eric Granger; Barber is represented by Diane Magas and Marwa Younes. The defence elected to call no evidence or witnesses to testify.

Both sides are expected to deliver closing arguments this week to the presiding judge, Ontario Court Justice Heather Perkins-McVey.

Lich and Barber were among the first convoy participants to face charges after they were arrested on Feb. 17, 2022, on the eve of a massive two-day police operation to clear the protest from downtown streets. Barber and Lich were jointly charged with mischief, obstruction, intimidation and counselling others to commit similar offences.

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