Police warn public of woman impersonating member of unit

The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) put out a release explaining it is investigating a woman who impersonated a member of its Human Trafficking Unit.

According to police, the woman is in the sex trade and attempted to extort a “significant” amount of money from a person trying to purchase sexual services.

“We want to remind the community that the Ottawa Police actively investigates human trafficking and related offenses,” officials said.

OPS said no member of the force would demand any form of payment from people involved in these acts, reporting them or those being victimized.

“Additionally, it is important to understand that obtaining sexual services for consideration is a crime under section 286.1 of the Criminal Code,” the statement reads.

The police Human Trafficking Unit is a branch of the force that seeks to investigate crimes of trafficking while “prioritizing” the safety and security of victims and survivors.

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