Books, bottles for Mother’s Day

Sunday is Mother’s Day and while a book on its own might not be the perfect gift for your mother, combing it with a bottle of wine can do the job, according to a wine expert.

Wine expert Natalie MacLean, told CTV Morning Live’s Melissa Lamb she’s got some suggestions for that perfect combination.

Blank by Zibby Owens

Maclean suggests pairing this book with either white or red wine, as long as they are “bursting with fresh fruit and they’re really zippy,” since the book has a lot of humour and plot twists.

The book is about a writer in her 40s named Pippa Jones. The wife and mother is facing a tight deadline to finish writing a book.

“So, her son suggests handing in a manuscript that’s completely blank as a joke, but it ends up becoming a bold statement on the publishing industry,” MacLean said.

The Glow Code

The Glow Code is a book by Canadian journalist Michelle McIVOR. The book is a guide to feel, look and be you’re best at any age, MacLean says.

“It’s packed with tips, everything from how to apply your eyeliner to living well and sleeping well,” she said.

The book goes well with local wines bursting with field strawberries, she says.

“I’m also pairing this book with the bread and butter chardonnay, which is buttery rich fresh baked bread,” she added.

Though this book doesn’t come out until June, she suggests buying flowers and a gift with the wine.

“And in the card, tell her this book is on the way because the festivity should continue into June,” she said.

In Mary’s kitchen

This book is by Mary Berg. It has 100 stress-free, delicious and simple recipes, she notes.

MacLean says that she would pair it with a “beautiful, full body delicious red” wine.


Possessed is a book by Jowita Bydlowska. It’s a story about a woman travelling to a haunted island.

“The heroine Joseph escapes her dull day job and, and goes to an island in the Adriatic where she meets a young man with haunting story,” MacLean said. “It’s about desire.”

MacLean suggests pairing this book with zesty flavoured wines, citing the book’s zesty dialogue

Wine Witch on Fire

This book is about a mother who’s “rising from the ashes of divorce, defamation and drinking too much.” MacLean notes that the woman’s sobering journey has a happy ending.

She suggests pairing this book with an alcohol-free wine.

“I paired it with wonder and found, not only because of the name, you know, finding yourself again after being lost, but this is alcohol free,” MacLean said.


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