Carleton MPP removed from PC caucus over ‘serious lapses in judgement’

Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s decision to remove the MPP for Carleton Goldie Ghamari from the Progressive Conservative caucus Friday sparked mixed reactions among constituents in her riding. 

“I am a conservative, I’m disappointed. But I’m glad that the right thing has been done,” Alice Guenther told CTV News Friday. “I thought wow, if she’s into meeting with suspicious people again then it’s time for her to go.”

Meanwhile, Hayk Vardanyan disagrees with Ford’s decision.

“Only for meeting and discussing and exchanging opinions I don’t agree that the person would be kicked out for only posing,” Vardanyan told CTV News Ottawa Friday.

In a statement, the premier’s office said “this decision follows repeated instances of serious lapses in judgment and a failure to collaborate constructively with caucus leadership and as a team member.”

Earlier this week, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) called for Ghamari’s removal after she posted a photo of a meeting with British far-right Activist Tommy Robinson. Robinson is the founder of the anti-Islam English Defence League and has a criminal record in the U.K.

Ghamari was not available for an interview on Friday but posted on X, the platform previously known as Twitter,
“When one door closes, another one opens” with the peace sign emoji.

In response to calls for her removal from caucus earlier this week, Ghamari posted that she was not aware of Robinson’s history prior to meeting with him.

The NCCM applauded Ford’s decision.

“It is no place for an elected official in Ontario to be meeting with such people that spew hate and Islamophobia across our country,” said Fatema Abdalla, an advocacy officer with the NCCM. “We are glad that Premier Ford made the swift decision to remove her off of caucus for her actions.”

Ghamari has represented the riding since 2018. In November 2023 there were also calls for her removal from caucus after she was accused of posting “anti-Muslim rhetoric” by the NCCM.


Posted in CTV