Expect delays along the Rideau Canal today as NCC prepares for skating season

Motorists are being warned to expect some delays on roads along the Rideau Canal today, as the National Capital Commission continues preparations for the skating season.

Crews will be installing the vendor equipment on the Rideau Canal Skateway.

There will be temporary road closures on Queen Elizabeth Driveway and Colonel By Drive between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.  The NCC says there will be single-lane closures on the roads, with flag operators in place to coordinate traffic flow.

Here is a list of the lane reductions:

7 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Queen Elizabeth Driveway at Fifth Avenue

10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Colonel By Drive, south of the Bronson Avenue Bridge.

12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Colonel By Drive, north of Main Street.

Some of the chalets being installed are the BeaverMobiles, the stands to sell Beavertails during the 2024-25 skating season.

A high light boom crane will be used to lift the 27-foot by 14-foot, 10-tonne building into place along the Rideau Canal Skateway at Queen Elizabeth Driveway/Fifth Avenue.

The Rideau Canal Skateway was open for only 10 days of skating in 2024.  Preparations have been underway through November to open the skateway for the 2024-25 season.


Posted in CTV