Here’s what you can do to add value to your home

If you’re thinking about selling your home, we have some tips for you to increase its value.

Colleen Lyle from TrinityStone Realty told CTV Morning Live it is possible to increase the value of the home without breaking the bank and while having fun at the same time. Here’s how:

She recommends to take care of the exterior of the house, so that it gives a good impression to the buyer.

“Your first impression is key. Do the things that will add value to your home and that you can enjoy as well,” Lyle said.

“People usually decide that they’re going to buy your home within the first 10 minutes.”

To do so, she recommends painting the front door, taking care of the backyard and landscaping, checking the windows and upgrading them, making sure the garage door is working and making sure the parking spot is clear of clutter and have enough room for a car.

When it comes to the interior of the house, she recommends to keep the paint fresh.

“It’s about refreshing your property,” she said.

She adds that keeping the kitchen up-to-date can make the interior look nice. She says we don’t have to completely renovate it to make it look good. We can make sure the cabinet doors are functional and everything is working, instead.

Lighting is also important when it comes to making your home look nice. This can be done by updating the bulb lights.

“Change out your chandeliers and keep it current and this is the least expensive thing you can do,” she added.

More information is available in this video. 


Posted in CTV