More than 115 cases of eye damage reported in Ontario after solar eclipse

More than 115 people who viewed the solar eclipse in Ontario earlier this month experienced eye damage after the event, according to eye doctors in the province.

The Ontario Association of Optometrists (OAO) says it has received 118 cases of reported eye complications since April 8.

Inflammation of the cornea, dry eyes and solar retinopathy are among the conditions reported, the OAO said in a statement to CTV News Toronto.

A spokesperson said that while inflammation of the cornea typically heals over the course of a few days, solar retinopathy can cause permanent vision loss in extreme cases.

“The severity of cases depends on which part of the retina is affected and how long the patient stared at the sun,” the OAO said.

In the lead up to April 8, health and government officials had warned of the dangers of looking directly at the sun during the eclipse. Those who did take part were advised to wear certified eclipse-viewing glasses to prevent eye damage.

The OAO said the cases weren’t concentrated in any one part of the province and ranged from Windsor to Ottawa.

Geographically, most of Ontario was not in the so-called path of totality, when the sun was completely blocked out by the moon’s path. Cities that were in the path, including Hamilton and Niagara Falls were largely impacted by cloud cover.

That cloud cover, coupled with the fact so many people were using eclipse glasses, likely helped to limit the number of reports of eye complications the OAO received, the organization said.

In Quebec, where parts of the province experienced totality for a few minutes, 28 cases of eye damage have been reported as of April 17. 


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