OPP charge three former hospital employees with patient privacy breach after unrelated incidents

Three former hospital employees have been charged following investigations into unrelated alleged breach of patient privacy incidents that took place over the course of last year in different parts of the province, according to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).

The investigations started after police received three complaints in western, eastern and northern Ontario, alleging three hospital employees had inappropriately accessed electronic personal health records of patients.

The OPP did not release the names of the hospitals.

Police say the employees had allegedly accessed information that was not part of their circle of care, accessed more information than that required to complete their job, or accessed information after their role in the patient’s care was finished.

The three individuals are facing charges under the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA).

“Offences under PHIPA can carry a maximum penalty of $200,000 and up to one year in prison,” the OPP said in a news release Thursday.

Anyone who suspects healthcare-related fraud is asked to call the Ministry of Health at 1-888-781-5556 or email at reportohipfraud.moh@ontario.ca. Anonymous tips can be submitted at ontariocrimestoppers.ca.




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