Swimming at Britannia Beach ‘not recommended’ for high E-coli levels

Ottawa Public Health is not recommending swimmers take a dip at Britannia Beach on Sunday because of high levels of E-coli in the water.

The public health authority’s bacteria monitoring dashboard for City of Ottawa beaches says E-coli levels for Britannia sit at 225 per 100 milliliters of water, exceeding Ontario’s water quality standards.

The health authority will not recommend swimming in water that reaches 200 E-coli per 100 milliliters of water or greater.

Water samples at Britannia, Mooney’s Bay, and Petrie Island beaches are monitored daily. Beach water at Mooney’s Bay and Petrie Island currently meet provincial water standards.

“When elevated levels of E-coli are detected in the water, it is more likely that other disease-causing organisms are also present,” Ottawa Public Health says on its website.

“These organisms can result in skin, ear, throat or gastro-intestinal illnesses.”

Ottawa Public Health says if you choose to wade into the water, you should:

  • Avoid going into water with an open wound.
  • Don’t swallow the water or take it in your mouth. It is best to keep your head out of the water.
  • Shower as soon as possible after using water.
  • Wash hands carefully with soap and treated water or use alcohol-based hand rub after playing in the sand, and before preparing foods or eating.

The City of Ottawa and National Capital Commission (NCC) beaches opened to the public on this weekend. Lifeguards are on duty at city beaches until 7 p.m. daily. 

Environment Canada has issued a heat warning for a “prolonged heat event” starting on Monday. Ottawa Public Health is warning of the coming extreme heat, which affects children, people with chronic illnesses and the elderly the most.


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